AI Assistant - Inquiry Settings
Inquiry Settings
Inquiry Settings
This is where you can set the Inquiry Settings for your assistant.

- Enable User Inquiry : This is where you can enable or disable the user user inquiry feature for your assistant.
- Inquiry Link Text : The text that prompts users to click on the link, leading them to access the inquiry form.
- Inquiry Form Title Text : The title text of the inquiry form.
- Inquiry Form Subtitle text: The subtitle text of the inquiry form.
- Inquiry Automatic Reply Message Text: The message sent to the user after they have submitted an inquiry.
- Email Input Label: The label over the email input field
- Phone Input Label : The label over the phone input field
- Message Textarea Label: The label over the message textarea field
- Text in the send button: The text displayed in the send button
- Display Link After X Chatbot Reply: The number of assistant replies after which the inquiry link will be displayed to the user.
- Save: Click this button to save the changes made to the inquiry settings.