AI Assistant - Customization



This is where you can set the Customization for your assistant.

  • Chatbox Title : This is the title of the chatbox.
  • Chatbox Input Message Placeholder Text : This is the placeholder text for the input message.
  • Chatbot Background Bubble Color: This is the background color of the chatbot's bubble.
  • Chatbot Logo Color: This is the color of the chatbot's logo.
  • Chatbot Header Background Color: This is the background color of the chatbot's header.
  • Chatbot Header Text Color: This is the text color of the chatbot's header.
  • User Background Message Color: This is the background color of the user's message.
  • User Message Text Color : This is the text color of the user's message.
  • Choose chatbot image : Choose the image you want to use for your chatbot. The image used will be displayed as the chatbot profile picture. Image size must be 32x32 pixels.
  • Styles (Default / Full width) : Change the chat input style